Vogel Articles

Vogel Crystal Care

By Kirby Seid

Regarding the Care of Your Crystal: 

When you receive the crystal – find some quiet time to be with it, 15 – 30 min at least. Sit with it, hold it, caress it, warm the crystal up with your hands. When it is warmer, to the point of going from a cold hard object to a warmer pliable feeling object, that means you are beginning to blend your energy with the crystal. Then, hold the crystal at different chakra centers and check in with your body to see how that feels. Do you see any colors or energy patterns, feel energy patterns, do you hear tones or frequencies of sound… tastes? 

Then hold the crystal either on your 4th, 5th or 6th chakra. Center it and feel into it. Say hello to the crystal in your own way and then welcome it. You can speak out loud or telepathically to it. Conjure pictures and visions of ways you would like to use the crystal and project that into the crystal. Introduce yourself, tell it who you are, and what you would like to do with it. 


Next ask the crystal who/what it is. Be receptive to any information, visions, words that come to you. Tell the crystal you appreciate its’ journey to you and that with respect and care you will honor it, and work together to bring more healing, awareness, truth and beauty into the world. Keep the crystal in a place of respect: an alter, box, or special compartment. There may be other stones/gems that will keep the energy aligned. 

Crystals respond to our intentions. So be mindful around the crystal with gratitude and respect. Keep in check any negative ego thoughts around the crystal and just let them go. Feel free to pick the crystal up at times and just commune with it like a friend. Allow your subconscious/unseen friends to work with you discovering ways you can use the crystal. This process may surprise you. Have a great time at the workshop, thanks for doing this work in the world! 

Clearing & Cleaning Crystals: 

Crystals can pick up energetic information from the environment. When it is tuned to a specific function; like healings or extractions they will most certainly pick up energies that should be cleared. The two main ingredients with cleaning and clearing is:

1) Your Intention, and
2) using at least one or more elemental force (Air, Water, Earth, Fire, Ether/Spirit)

In a meditative or ritual resonance, this helps to clear out any other intentions and keep you focused with a one-pointed awareness to clear the crystal and connect with your subconscious/unconscious/unseen assistance. Bring in an element such as earth. With the earth energy you can bury the crystal, place it on an alter in sand, or right earth, near a plant, whatever feels right or comes up for you through your subconscious communication/intuition. Say whatever words, phrases, play music… be creative. I am not telling you specifics because I want to leave it open for you to discover. If you use fire or water do not allow the crystal to be exposed to a quick and sudden temperature change of cold or hot. It may crack the crystal. There are many books and resources on clearing and cleaning that you may pick up but try to consult your own intuitive resources first.


Using the Vogel-Cut® Healing Crystal

By Marcel Vogel (Excerpts by Rumi Da from the audiocassette “How to Use the Healing Crystal”)

The crystal is an energy converter. It converts a small vibration that we release through our hands and control by breath. This small vibration is converted into an electrical field or charge. The crystal is cut from pure natural quartz and faceted, by hand, along the “C” axis, the growth axis.

To use the crystal hold it in your right or left hand, rotate it clockwise and rub it. As you rotate and rub the crystal, you will feel a “stickiness” coming to the crystal’s surface. This “stickiness” is a surface charge being picked up and accumulated by the crystal. The crystal is charged and ready to be used when you hear a static sound. (This is a squeaking sound heard when you rub the crystal with your fingers. It requires a fair amount of pressure. –Rumi Da). The charging builds the primary charge in the crystal itself.

The next step in the progress of charging the crystal is to create in the crystal a resonant oscillation. This is done by: 

drawing in the breath,
holding the breath,
focusing your mind on the crystal and
suddenly releasing breath through the nostrils. (Pulsing like blowing your nose.- Rumi Da)
rotate the crystal again,
draw the breath in,
focus on the crystal and, you will feel a small but distinct vibration within it. 

The crystal is now charged and tuned with your vibration. 

Each living form has its own distinct vibration. It is our “signature” in that we each broadcast a distinct vibration. It is the same as we have in our handwriting and our fingerprint. This vibration is transferred to the crystal by the method described. It is through this signature or vibration that you can transfer or receive a charge to or from another person or object. 

Hold the crystal in your hand with the thumb on one face (the flat broad face) and the index finger on the longer shaped end of the crystal. Of the crystal’s two ends, one is less acute than the other is. Put the less acutely angled end in the palm of your hand and pace your forefinger on the more sharply terminated end. 

We have two sensors that we use when we work with the crystal’s vibration. One is the forefinger and the other is the thumb. The thumb acts a tuning coil and with the thumb you can vary the rate of vibration or frequency of oscillation released through the crystal. 

To test out the charge transfer capacity of the crystal, hold the crystal in your hand, draw in your breath filling the chest fully, hold your breath and experience your body oscillating spontaneously with the crystal. The spontaneous oscillation is an excellent indicator that the crystal, the vibration and the overall balance are in effect. As you relax, you will find that your body goes into a periodic oscillation as well. 

Point the tip of the crystal at your opposite hand about 6 to 8 inches away and slowly move the crystal up and down. As you do this, go through an arc starting with a zero position, visualizing the face of the clock as follows: one o’clock, two o’clock (beginning oscillation), three o’clock, four o’clock, and so on. As you come to a discreet position you will suddenly feel in the opposite hand a tingling sensation. Furthermore, as you move the crystal back and forth, rather than up and down, this tingling sensation will carry with it the feeling of wind flowing back and forth. 

To further test this, hold the crystal in your hand and take the sensor hand in opposition.
Have another person take their hand and move it up and down between your hand and the crystal. You will feel an inductive kick in your receiving hand. This is because as the individual makes and breaks the field, a charge will be transferred from the field to that person and to your other hand. It is very much like you are dealing with a motor. 

There are various motions one can employ: 

A vertical up and down motion of about 2-1/2 inches in dimension, that goes around in a slight vertical ellipse. Use this type of oscillation, either clockwise or counter-clockwise. When you enter into the energy body of an individual, enter counter-clockwise and then rotate in a clockwise direction until you come into resonance or in empathy with the field that is present there and employ this movement. 

In the second motion you direct the crystal in circular motion (either clockwise or counter- clockwise) visualizing the energy coming out as a cone and flowing to a minute point. This is used to inject a luminous field into the area of treatment. As you move the crystal in a clockwise direction, visualize the energy coming to a white luminous cone in the tip of the crystal. If the direction is reversed, visualize the tip of the crystal turning black, as there is a reversal of charge. 

When you work in a circular direction, you visualize light. With the vertical up and down direction there is no internal sensation of light, but purely vibration. You can work with two distinct patterns: the vertical up and down motion equivalent to sound and the circular motion equivalent to light. Both of these are capable of being generated and emitted by the crystal. 

The primary act of healing is to assist the individual in bringing the body into balance so that the energetic fields, which surround the body, flow in a natural, meaningful way. We exist both in our bodies as well as out of body. The programming of the energy fields that exist outside the body is that of energetic patterns that become fixed in space and oscillate in much the same way that crystalline unit cells will oscillate in a natural crystal. Very weak but precise charges can critically affect these patterns that we have around the body. 

An ancient method of therapy for working with these forms of energy is acupuncture or acupressure. The Chinese have plotted these into what are called meridians. In these meridians are various points of differential resistance at the tissue area. These differential resistance areas are the acupuncture points. You can work on these points with the crystal in much the same manner as with needles although the crystal need only penetrate the energy body and not the physical body. 

The Crystal and Breath

One important aspect of working with a crystal is the breath. Breath and life are synonymous. When you breathe deeply you invigorate the body with a vital charge. As you draw the breath in you draw in oxygen necessary for the energy of life in the cells themselves. In that breath you are also drawing in a fluid – a particulate unit of life-energy, which is, called prana. Prana exists everywhere and is utilized by the thinking mind to build the patterns of energy we call thought. As a man thinks, so he is, and energy follows thought. 

There are four stages to the act of breathing:

the first stage is the incoming breath,
the second stage is the indwelling breath,
the third is the outgoing breath
the fourth is breath held out. 

If you listen carefully when you breathe you will note a distinct difference in tonality at each stage of breath. The four-stage process of breath is the primary heating cycle that keeps the body temperature constant and comes from the oxygenation of the blood. When the lungs are in vital active functioning condition, devoid of interference by smoking or pollutants, there is a rapid and precise exchange of the oxygen in the atmosphere into the bloodstream. Vitality globules or pranic energy/fluid is also transferred with the oxygen. 

As you draw the breath in, you build the patterns of thought, intention, and what you wish to do, be, or perform. The act of programming the crystal or your own body occurs with the incoming breath, the inhalation. It is on the inhalation that the program is written. As you hold the breath there is a transfer of not only the oxygen, but also the intention or thought that you draw in with the breath. 

Rapid, shallow breathing will strip you of vitality and make you subject to all of the vicissitudes of negative thinking which surround you at all times. To be vital, functioning and strong in working with the crystal, learn deep precise, sonorous breathing. Above all, do not be afraid to dwell in your breath and let the intentions permeate the body and complete their process. 

When the process is completed, the waste products of the metabolism of the body, including carbon dioxide, are released with the outgoing breath. With that CO2 come the negative patterns that have been stored. For every positive thought, for every affirmative action there is also the resistance that goes with it. As you release the breath in a kind and gentle way you bring the polarities together to form a balance, the whole.
As you rest at the bottom end of the outgoing breath, you can prepare for the next stage of breathing. This is the primary cycle. With this cycle there comes also a series of vibrations. There are two forms of breathing: in through the nostrils and out through the nostrils. You will notice in breathing out through the nostrils that there is a deep sonorous vibrating tone to it. Breathing through the mouth, there is crispness and sharpness to the tone. The tone is much sharper. These are the two limits of the tonal range that we compose in the symphony of living…our orchestra that vibrates within our body. 

The Vogel-cut® crystal is designed to bring balance to the body so that the body can breath again in a right and meaningful way. For all life to exist, to be meaningful, must be in a state of balance. When life becomes polarized in one direction or the other, there is an interference with the pattern of living. 


Point a charged crystal at your opposite hand and move it in an up and down direction and let us again go through the breathing cycle. As you do that and come to the peak of your cycle, you will feel coolness in the opposite hand. The charge is moving from the crystal into the opposite hand. Breathe out and feel the charge waning. 

This is a very important point I wish you to now ponder and remember. The period where your crystal is at its maximum of utilization and usefulness is when you have drawn your breath in and have held it. In the holding of breath the charge builds up and comes to its peak and maximum efficiency of charge release. 

We store both around the body and in the various organs, and particularly in the bony structures, vibrations or programs that are inharmonious to the normal process of living. This means that the vibration is out of place. It is not performing a useful function and the body does not know how to release it. It is a psychic or energetic cancer. As a cell which is out of place growing on its own in a differentiating way, distinct from the surrounding tissue, is classified as a cancer, so too, we accumulate negative charges which disturb our pattern of living. These are parasitic. The following types of vibrations develop parasitic energy imbalances: a broken bone from a fall or injury. After the bone has healed and the tissue and bone are rebuilt, there is stored in the fracture area the impression of the moment of impact and reason for the injury. At that junction in the bone there is an inharmonious vibration residing. These often persist, remaining with the tissue until the area is purified from the disturbed vibration. One of the primary functions the healing crystal serves is in removing these inharmonious vibrations. 

Tissue damage through surgical intervention creates shock in the body causing a state of imbalance in the area where the surgery has been performed. Prior to surgery, a program can be inserted, with the crystal, to prepare that tissue for operation by visualizing the operation and informing the body of what is to come. In post-op, the stress can be removed and the element of pain removed entirely by using the crystal to extract the shock and then project the love that one has within and the desire that the tissue grow back in a normal, meaningful way. 

Records are written in bone. Spinal injuries and whiplash are prime examples where precise treatment can be given. A sudden impact or blow is stored in the tissue. The mind has no accessing mechanism for why the injury took place and therefore cannot release the damage to the tissue. It becomes stuck in this area. These can be released with the use of the crystal. 

Arthritic conditions of certain types, especially in the early stages of arthritis are amenable to treatment and can be reversed in a dramatic way. Above all, wherever there is trauma, where a person has suffered severe emotional and psychic injury (separation form a loved one, divorce, feelings of inadequacy), there is trauma and shock stored in the primary centers that control the total body function. 

The act of healing means to bring the body into balance. The act of healing means bring the Soul into contact with the functioning of the body so the two can act as one in the third: Spirit.  Body, Mind, and Spirit then act in concert or as one. 

Creating a Quantum Converter:

A natural crystal from the earth demonstrates the capacity for information storage, amplification, and transfer, but it is unable to cohere that energy. Coherence, the transfer of a single frequency or narrow band spectrum energy, is an important factor if the energy or information is to be stored or transferred while maintaining its integrity. 

Of equal importance is the fact that no two unfaceted crystals are the same and therefore they are incapable of producing the same precise effects. In the process of creating a meaningful technology it is important that the results obtained can be replicated by anyone with adequate skill and training. With the use of unfaceted crystals, these results are similar, but not the same. It is necessary to facet crystals into a precise geometric form in order for them to manifest their greatest potential. 

When quartz grows within the earth it must accommodate its growing environment and usually accretes to it many undesirable secondary vibrations. Physical manifestations of this might be a distorted geometric form, cracks, crevices, multiple secondary crystals growing on the surface of the primary crystal, and so on. Although these are often aesthetically appealing, they creates what might be thought of as a low signal to noise ratio. Once this “noise” or the unwanted secondary vibrations are removed there is a high signal to noise ratio or a clear, clean signal. This is accomplished through the correct and conscious faceting of the crystal. A precise, correct and conscious faceting of a quartz crystal allows it to become a precision tool for healing and meditation work. 

Rubies, for example, are faceted to make them useful for laser applications. Aluminum oxide chromium, ruby, is a rather unimpressive stone until it is faceted into a cylinder with Brewster windows so that light can be pumped into it and reflected internally so as to produce a coherent light – a laser. The rubies used in this technology are synthetic primarily because of cost and the ability to control the purity of the crystal. 

The first shape created by Dr. Marcel Vogel was a four sided bi-pyramidal form. In 1974, the pattern for the crystal came to him intuitively, in dream, without any conscious understanding of the energetics of the form. It took one year of hard work in the glass shop at IBM for the crystal to be given shape. Unknowingly Marcel had created a form that was of the same configuration as the Kabbablistic Tree of Life, although the crystal was a three dimensional representation of this sacred geometry. 

Through intuitively guided efforts, an instrument of quartz crystal was created with which experimental results could be replicated. The faceted crystal has the ability to cohere energy, unlike its unfaceted predecessor. These crystals can be duplicated precisely so that multiple crystals can be tested. 

The two ends of the crystal are cut to specific angles. The more acute end, called the operating tip, is intuitively faceted to be in resonance with the individual for whom the crystal is being prepared while the more obtuse tip is shaped to have a specific fixed resonance to an aspect of the earth grid: the Cheops pyramid. 

Faceting a VOGEL-CUT Crystal

There is a story of three stonecutters preparing the blocks necessary for the construction of a building. Upon being asked what they were doing, one cutter, irritated and angry, dissatisfied with his life, snapped back saying: 

“I’m cutting rocks here to build whatever it is they’re making! What does it look like I’m doing!” 

The second worker, preoccupied with making enough money to satisfy all his needs and wants, responded to the same inquiry saying “I’m making these blocks so that I can feed and clothe my family, pay the rent and keep up with all the bills I have. It’s all very hard work!” 

The third worker happily completed his chiseling, paused, looked up at the questioner with a smile on his face, and said “I’ve been allowed to help build this temple. A place of Light where people can come, worship, and be healed in the house of their Lord.” 

Three individuals all doing the same job, or are they? It is the attitude of the third cutter, the realization of the great gift of being allowed to participate in the creation of something that can be of service to humanity that is necessary to create a true healing instrument. In the creation of the sacred stones, not only are the needs of others met, but also the needs of the cutter. In serving others we are served. 

Vogel-cut crystals are specially tuned quantum converters designed to assist in accessing and utilizing particular energies. The angle of the tips is critical to creating an instrument that is in resonance with the water molecule and to the individual for whom the crystal is being prepared. 

Many practitioners find the option of having a crystal custom made for them to be particularly attractive and useful. The name of the practitioner and sometimes their photograph is used as an energetic witness. Prior to initiating the creation of a Vogel crystal from the raw material a moment or two is taken to focus on the individual for whom the crystal is being prepared. 

Authentic Vogel-cut crystals are created from the best quality natural raw quartz available. This raw material is sometimes from Siberia, sometimes from Madagascar, and frequently from Brazil. 

The first stage in the preparation of a healing or meditation crystal is to create a rough cut on the trim saw. This means that a very rough shape of the desired finished product is formed using a diamond blade. The crystal at this point is opaque. The surface of the crystal appears to have a frosting on it. The direction of the cut is always along the “C” (central) or growth axis of the crystal. This is an important factor and is not always respected in many of the copies or counterfeit crystals we have seen. In many of the “imitations”, not only is the cut frequently faulty, irregular and inaccurate, but also the natural energy flows of the crystal are not respected. This results in a healing piece or medallion that may appear the same as a genuine Vogel-cut, but is in actuality a completely different crystal. 

The next task is to take the rough cut crystal to the lapping machines where it is ground with a series of finer and finer grits. This is similar, although not the same, as the use of finer and finer gradations of sand paper used on wood to bring about a smooth finish when building furniture. All the work on the flat laps is done by hand without the use of any “dop sticks” or mechanical arms or calibration. It is entirely an intuitive or feeling process. 

This is truly a task of love and meditation. The environment is noisy and cold. Water must be continually flowing on the lapidary wheels as the crystal is faceted in order to prevent the crystal from becoming overheated and cracking or shattering. The sound of the grinding crystal can be quite hard on sensitive ears. Frequently earplugs have to be worn. To breathe in the effluvia from the grinding quartz is hazardous and facemasks are usually worn so that the material is not inhaled. The same applies to the eyes. Protective glasses or goggles are often required. 

The finished product is then checked energetically with the Omega 5 to make sure that it has the appropriate energetic value indicating its resonance with water. We also check to ensure that the crystal is appropriate for the individual for whom it was prepared. It is also important that there be no cracks or chips in the surface of the crystal. A certain amount of inclusions within the crystal are acceptable, but this does not include internal fractures or crack. 

Finally, I will treat the crystal in a way shown to me by Marcel to install a particular permanent programming in it so that it can be used only an instrument of service. 

Often a crystal will get broken for a variety of reasons. Sometimes this is a result of carelessness, but periodically a crystal will have the tip flake off or fracture due to a major shift in the fundamental frequency of the user. A Vogel-cut crystal is designed to precisely fit your energetic field. Should this field change in a dramatic way it may be necessary to alter the angles of the terminations of the crystal. Unable to withstand the pressure that may be created by a field so out of phase with its primary frequency the crystal will flake off at the tip. This usually happens at the operating tip or more acute angled termination. Should this happen we can easily re-tune or re-cut your crystal for you at a nominal cost. Our focus is to be of service to our friends who wish to work with Vogel-cut crystals in a real and meaningful way. 

The faceting process can be thought of as “domesticating” or teaching the crystal to function in a specific way in order to bring out its highest potential. The faceting is done as a gift to the crystal, not as an intrusion or violation. It is not appropriate to alter every crystal. For some their highest value is to remain in their natural form. 

This attitude is critical in the transformation of raw quartz into a Vogel crystal. Since the early days the number of facets on the crystals has been increased from four sides to six, eight, twelve, thirteen, twenty four, and so. The greater the number of facets the greater is the potential energetic spin within the crystal. Each facet is like a mirror from which light can be reflected. 

As mentioned, a crystal must be faceted not only with geometric precision along the “C” or growth axis, but must also be worked with right attitude and consciousness. It is not simply a matter of mechanically cutting the same general shape. I have had some of the best crystal and diamond cutters in the world from Germany attempt to reproduce the Vogel-cut crystals with no success. Despite the similarity of appearance the energetic measurement of these crystals were not at all the same. 

I presented these crystals and the findings to Marcel and he laughed saying: 

“You see, I’ve told you before that you can go ahead and try to copy these crystals, but you can’t do it. Now you know for yourself! There’s much more involved than just cutting crystals into a certain shape.” (personal communication) 

We continue the production of authentic Vogel-cut crystals with the same cutters who have been faceting the crystals for years. Shortly before his passing Marcel asked us to maintain the high standards he established for these instruments: 

“I ask that you carry on this work as best you can and maintain the standards we have striven to achieve over the years. I have given you the heart of my work and I know you will continue with wisdom and love.” (Letter: Marcel Vogel – Rumi Da 1990) 

The form geometry of a Vogel-cut crystal creates a coherent field of energy that can act as a carrier wave of information whereas raw quartz does not. Why is this important? 

According to Marcel: 

“This carrier wave must have a coherency to it so as not to mingle with the radiation’s emitted from the target material but act now as the differentiation transport vehicle. The quartz crystal cut in the bi-pyramidal shape provides such an instrument.” (P.R.I. Newsletter #7.4 July-August 1990) 

In the case of offering “healing” service to another individual, the radiation emitted from the target material would refer to the difficulty, injury, or distress experienced by the client. The coherent light emitted from the Vogel crystal is able to penetrate the often-disparate radiant fields within and around a distressed individual. An incoherent energy is often dissipated if not completely absorbed by the chaotic field generated by the distress. 

In a Vogel-cut crystal the differing angles of the tips create a diode effect with the transmission of energy from one termination to the other. 

With the field moving primarily in one direction the energy of an individual is reflected back to them through the crystal. By using a Vogel-cut crystal a charge separation can occur. The “healer” is not affected by the client’s field. This is one of the primary benefits of using a crystal rather than direct “hands-on” healing. 

Beyond this, the most profound effect of the faceted crystal has to do with its relationship and resonance to water. A crystal that is faceted and tuned to the water molecule will hold a charge or information that when transferred to the body of person will link to the H2O molecule. This charge is stored within the inter-lattice space of the crystal. Because more than 75% of the physical body is water, the Vogel crystal, with its resonance with water, is the perfect delivery mechanism for the introduction of subtle energies to an individual. It was also thought that the various subtle energy bodies described in metaphysical literature are gradations of a field that is anchored to the physical body via the water molecule. 

The crystal is a quantum converter that is able to store and transmit energy in a form that has discreet biological effects. Our speculation is that because of the cohering capability of the Vogel- cut crystal it can used to affect “reality” at the quantum or subatomic level. The imprint of thought forms or coding is stored on and within the particles or wave packets at the quantum level. This is most likely a resonant effect. The human body, on an energetic level, is an array of oscillating points that are layered and have a definite symmetry and structure at both the macro and micro dimensions. 

The bones, tissues, cells, and fluids of the body have a definite crystallinity about them. The structure of the fluids, cells, and tissues of the body tend to become unstructured or incoherent when dis-ease or distress is present. The physical body is comprised of liquid crystal systems in the cell membranes, intercellular fluids as well as the larger structures such as the fatty tissues, muscular and nervous systems, lymph, blood, and so on. Through the use of an appropriately tuned crystal, to which these structures are responsive, balance and coherence can be restored by delivering the necessary “information” or energetic nutrients. This is the beginning of healing. 


 By Barbara LaRocca 

Marcel Vogel (1917-1991) was with IBM for 27 years doing research and development. He developed the magnetic coating for IBM’s disc drive, the first liquid crystal displays, or LCD, and researched the effect of the mind and emotion on plants. He eventually began to use raw, single terminated quartz crystals. By pointing the crystal at another person, he discovered that the crystal amplified thoughts and emotions, often putting the individual into an altered state of consciousness. 

After leaving IBM, Vogel continued his research on the use of quartz crystals and their ability to heal people. He founded the Psychic Research Inc., a group dedicated to intensive research into healing energies, especially those of various shapes of quartz crystals. He discovered that doubled terminated wands, cut in the same spatial ratios and proportions of the Tree of Life and pyramids of Egypt, and are able to transmit energy that can scientifically be measured. 

Vogel was cutting the wands to reflect the famous alchemical transmutation, “as above, so below.” With the proportions dictated by the Tree of Life and the pyramids of Egypt, he cut the raw quartz – – always pieces that had somehow been broken from their source — and no longer had a consistent or symmetrical flow of energy. Each raw piece of quartz (clear, smoky, amethyst, citrine, rutilated) was looked at with an inner sense of its true shape. In addition, the quartz crystals were cut to the frequency of water molecules allowing them to resonate with the liquids in the body. The cutting was done with conscious caring and intention that enable the crystal to find its true potential and optimum ability to transmit and amplify energy. 

Vogel knew that the real origin of illness is in the etheric body. Although the body or emotions sustain a trauma, the etheric body holds the memory of physical or emotional injury and it can become stagnant, distorted, or stuck. The result of this unstable or blocked energy is illness. He discovered that crystals are the common thread in healing that ties together energy, illness, and problems in the etheric body. 

Whenever light from the higher realms comes into a person’s body, the light gets refracted if the etheric body is not stable. This can cause illness. The Vogel cut crystal gives the user immediate access to the etheric body and stabilizes it, allowing light from the higher realms to enter. Also, a matrix or template of perfection already exists inside the etheric body. Even when there is physical or emotional trauma, the matrix still exists and can be brought back to optimum conditions by the use of Vogel cut crystals. 

The actual technique used by the Vogel practitioner is simple but intense. The first key is the clear intention of sending only healing and love to the one being healed. In addition, when learning to do healing, the practitioner develops the ability to clear his or her mind and intentions, as well as raise their state of consciousness. A practitioner can meditate with the wand over the thymus, sometimes called the seat of the soul located in the middle of the chest above the heart. The crystal will help to train the user’s ability to concentrate, stay conscious of thoughts and feelings, align inner energy, focus intention, and prepare to bring the best possible healing to the one being healed. 

The person doing the treatment with a Vogel cut crystal directs the crystal in an amplified field up and down the persons body until the charge is at maximum. The individual being treated visualizes the area to be treated and goes to the cause of his or her discomfort, imaging that it will be released with a pulse of breath. This breaks up and clears patterns of trauma that have been stored in bone, organs, or tissue. 

Each of the Vogel crystals are cut and tuned to the vibration of water. The number of sides the crystal has determines the charge capacity. The 4-sided healing crystal is for treatment of the body. The 6-sided crystal is for emotional problems. The 8-sided is for treating deep shock and severe trauma. The 13-sided reaches into past lives and releases blocks and resolves trauma. 

Since Marcel’s death in 1991, several new cuts of crystals have been developed by two of the top lapidary experts in the world. Carrying on the Vogel tradition, the crystals are tuned to specific healing abilities. 

One of the cutters, trained by Marcel himself, developed special meditation tools to aid crystal healers and those who wish to work on themselves. The two major new cuts he has done are the Vision Quest cut and the Foreseer. Both cuts enhance the individual’s ability to go within and develop inner resources, increase psychic ability, and are grounding. The Vision Quest has teaching qualities and The Foreseer aides in seeing past and future issues. This lapidary artist continues to produce the highest quality 4, 6, 8, 13, and multi-sided Vogel cuts. 

Another lapidary expert, from Brazil, has developed several new cuts. He is responsible for the new concave facets that facilitate the individual in tuning into the crystal, pulling them within in such a way that they are further aligned to inner connections with unlimited healing and love. This cutter developed the twenty-one sided, twenty-four/eight, the twenty-four/twelve, and the Dream Crystal. 

The 21-sided Vogel crystal, in addition to overall healing qualities, also deal with intense family issues, racial conflict or trauma, problems originating from the environment, and difficulties arising from magnetic disruptions, sun spots, meteors, and the ozone. The twenty-one sided also heals past life issues that relate to the above difficulties. 

The 24/8, a twenty four sided crystal that has eight facets on each of the points is best used for issues of major life transitions, to heal issues related to the misuse of magic, or from traumas sustained while involved in a spiritual practice. It is also used to strengthen the individual’s protection while involved in any of the above-mentioned situations. 

The 24/12, a twenty four-sided with twelve facets on each end is used for initiation, to heal the trauma of an initiation, to access and reconnect both conscious and unconscious processes, and as a stabilizer to enable the individual to accept paradox, miracle, or transformation. 

Crystals with even more facets than twenty-four are sometimes used when special needs arise and the practitioner feels that a specific number of facets will aid that work. 

The Dream Crystal has four major concave sides each connected by three smaller facets.
A total of 16 sides on the body and 24 sides on each end create a complex and focused rare gift from Marcel who appeared in a dream to give instructions for this crystal cut. Some practitioners are using them to dream travel, work in other realms, and realize ones deepest dreams. In addition, the Dream Crystal has an ability to enable the practitioner to invoke a more precise and strong blueprint of health in the etheric body for the one being healed. Its full potentials are not yet known. 

Anyone who wants to connect more deeply with the earth’s resources can see that Marcel Vogel was a true visionary. He was a pioneer in the research on the use of the earth’s gift of crystal. For this we are thankful.

More info at: http://marcelvogel.org
