Vogels for The Four Winds Students

Extraction Vogels for Shamanic Healing Traditions

These flawless precision cut crystal tools are designed for extraction healing processes.

Most commonly, extraction vogels have double terminated ends, typically either:

8 faceted sides or 13 faceted sides,

and are made from the highest quality piezoelectric lab-grown quartz that has been developed in a controlled environment, and is like a blank slate ready for you to program.

We also offer custom natural, near flawless quartz vogels. Natural quartz contains millions of years of geologic history. When we custom cut a natural crystal, we link the energy of the crystal to the individual and imprint their personal intentions.

Additionally we offer alternate configurations not limited to this list below.

Review our recommendations for crystal care, co-creation,
and more info about VOGELS.

Thank you for your commitment to Earth Magic and Healing,

Kirby Seid


Welcoming Ritual:

When you receive the crystal – find some quiet time to be with it, 10 – 15 min at least. Sit with it, hold it, caress it, warm the crystal up with your hands. As it warms, you are beginning to blend your energy with the crystal. Then, hold the crystal at different chakra centers and check in with your body to see how that feels. Do you see any colors or energy patterns, feel energy patterns, do you hear tones or frequencies of sound… tastes? Use this ritual to activate your intuitive senses.

Then hold the crystal either on your 4th, 5th or 6th chakra. Center it and feel into it. Say hello to the crystal in your own way and then welcome it. You can speak out loud or telepathically to it. Conjure pictures and visions of ways you would like to use the crystal and project that into the crystal. Introduce yourself, tell it who you are, and what you would like to do with it.


Next ask the crystal who/what it is. Be receptive to any information, visions, words that come to you. Tell the crystal you appreciate its’ journey to you and that with respect and care you will honor it, and work together to bring more healing, awareness, truth and beauty into the world. Keep the crystal in a place of respect: an alter, box, or special compartment. There may be other stones or power objects that will keep the energy aligned.

Crystals respond to our intentions, so be mindful around the crystal and handle it with gratitude and respect. Keep in check any negative ego/thoughts around the crystal and just let them go. Feel free to pick the crystal up at times and just commune with it like a friend. Allow your subconscious and unseen friends to work with you to discover ways you can use the crystal. This process may surprise you. Thank you for your continuing commitment to the greatest good for all beings!

Energetic Cleaning of Crystals:

Crystals can pick up energetic information from the environment. When it is tuned to a specific function, like healings or extractions, they will most certainly pick up energies that should be cleared. Two primary ingredients to clearing are:

1) Your Intention, and
2) One or more Elemental Force (Air, Water, Earth, Fire, Ether/Spirit)

With a meditative or ritualistic resonance, this process clears any other programs, focusing with a single awareness to clear the crystal. This process helps to connect your crystal with your subconscious, unconscious, or with any unseen assistance. Bring in an element such as earth. You can bury the crystal, place it on an alter in sand, or right on the grass, near a plant, whatever feels right or comes up for you through your subconscious communication/intuition. Say whatever words or phrases come to mind, sing or play music… be creative and open to discovery. If you use fire or water, do not allow the crystal to be exposed to a quick and sudden temperature change of cold or hot. It may crack the crystal. Consult the crystal and utilize your intuitive resources first.

More Info About VOGELS